Title: | 1922P194 Cupid and Psyche - Palace Green Murals - Psyche at the Shrines of Juno and Ceres |
Description: |
1922P194 Cupid and Psyche - Palace Green Murals - Psyche at the Shrines of Juno and Ceres, 1881 By Sir Edward Burne-Jones and Walter Crane A scene from William Morris' 'The Earthly Paradise'. |
Keywords: |
Roman Mythology, Birmingham Museums Trust/Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Oil Painting, AFA, Flower, Architecture, Art Movement/Pre-Raphaelite, Roman Gods, Ancient Monument/ Temple |
Usage Rights: | Creative Commons 0 - Public Domain. Optional attribution: Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust, licensed under CC0 |
Height: | 1195 |
Width: | 1245 |
Unit: | mm |
Credit Line: | Presented by the daughters of George Howard, 9th Earl of Carlisle, 1922. |