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Title: 1915P100 Night with her Train of Stars
Description: 1915P100
Night with her Train of Stars, 1912
Artist: E.R.Hughes (Edward Robert Hughes)

The painting's title is derived from W. E Henley's (1849-1903) poem 'Margaritae Sorori'.
A late lark twitters from the quiet skies:
And from the west,
Where the sun, his day's work ended,
Lingers as in content,
There falls on the old, gray city
An influence luminous and serene,
A shining peace.
The smoke ascends
In a rosy-and-golden haze. The spires
Shine and are changed. In the valley
Shadows rise. The lark sings on. The sun,
Closing his benediction,
Sinks, and the darkening air
Thrills with a sense of the triumphing night
Night with her train of stars
And her great gift of sleep.
So be my passing!
My task accomplish'd and the long day done,
My wages taken, and in my heart
Some late lark singing,
Let me be gather'd to the quiet west,
The sundown splendid and serene,
Birmingham Museums Trust/Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery
Usage Rights: Creative Commons 0 - Public Domain. Optional attribution: Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust, licensed under CC0
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Height: 762, 1029
Width: 1270, 1523
Depth: , 70
Unit: mm, mm
Credit Line: Presented by the Edward Robert Hughes Memorial Committee, 1915.
    • ID: 4089
    • 1915P100 Night with her Train of Stars