    • ID: 4399
    • 1978P619.10 Tannhauser - Published
    • ID: 4402
    • 1978P621.1 Sister Anna's Probation - Anna and Henry Are United
    • ID: 3465
    • 1913P176 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche is abandoned by Cupid
    • ID: 4239
    • 1913P194 Cupid and Psyche - The dead Man rising from the Water as Psyche is ferried across the Styx
    • ID: 4244
    • 1913P199 Love is Enough - Initial letter 'L'
    • ID: 4245
    • 1913P200 Love is Enough - Initial letter 'L'
    • ID: 4246
    • 1913P201 Love is Enough - Upright Border or Sidepiece
    • ID: 4247
    • 1913P202 Love is Enough - upright Border or Sidepiece
    • ID: 4248
    • 1913P203 Love is Enough - upright Border or Sidepiece
    • ID: 4249
    • 1913P204 Love is Enough - upright Border or Sidepiece
    • ID: 4250
    • 1913P205 Love is Enough - upright Border or Sidepiece
    • ID: 4251
    • 1913P206 Love is Enough - narrow Band of Ornament
    • ID: 4397
    • 1978P618.1 Framley Parsonage - Frontispiece - Lord Lufton and Lucy Robarts
    • ID: 4398
    • 1978P618.2 Framley Parsonage - Was it not a Lie?
    • ID: 4403
    • 1978P623.3 Please, Ma'am, can we have the peas to shell?
    • ID: 4404
    • 1978P624.1 Son Christopher - The Constables breaks into the House
    • ID: 4406
    • 1978P625.6 The Anglers of the Dove-Stansbury and Felton Sort the Prey
    • ID: 4410
    • 1978P626.7 The Meeting
    • ID: 6029
    • 1920P713-1-68 Dalziels' Bible Gallery-Ezekiel and the Boiling Pot
    • ID: 6945
    • 1924P278 The Music Master - The Maids of Elfen-Mere - Proof
    • ID: 7117
    • 2006.1040.49 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Passage of the Jordan
    • ID: 7118
    • 2006.1040.54 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Samson and the Lion
    • ID: 7119
    • 2006.1040.55 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Samson carrying the Gates
    • ID: 7120
    • 2006.1040.56 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Samson at the Mill
    • ID: 7121
    • 2006.1040.57 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Naomi and the Child Obed
    • ID: 7122
    • 2006.1040.58 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Cushi brings to David news of the death of Absalom
    • ID: 7123
    • 2006.1040.61 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Arrow of Deliverance
    • ID: 7124
    • 2006.1040.62 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Flight of Adrammelech
    • ID: 7125
    • 2006.1040.66 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - By the Rivers of Babylon
    • ID: 7126
    • 2006.1040.69 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Daniel's Prayer
    • ID: 7127
    • 2006.1040.86 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Rahab and the Spies
    • ID: 19225
    • 1978P554.3 The Marriage Ceremony or Jewish Wedding Ceremony - Published
    • ID: 21399
    • 1924P278 The Music Master - The Maids of Elfen-Mere - Proof
    • ID: 21421
    • 1980P41 Goblin Market - Golden Head by Golden Head - title page
    • ID: 21422
    • 1980P41 Goblin Market - Golden Head by Golden Head - Envelope
    • ID: 21423
    • 1980P41 Goblin Market - Golden Head by Golden Head - Envelope
    • ID: 22045
    • 1913P155 Cupid and Psyche - Venus on the Margin of the Sea
    • ID: 22046
    • 1913P156 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche at the Bath
    • ID: 22047
    • 1913P157 Cupid and Psyche - Venus dispatching Cupid to punish Psyche
    • ID: 22048
    • 1913P158 Cupid and Psyche - The reading of Apollo's Oracle to Psyche and her Father
    • ID: 22050
    • 1913P160 Cupid and Psyche - Procession of Musicians and Torchbearers accompanying Psyche to the Mountain, where she is to be abandoned to the Monster
    • ID: 22051
    • 1913P161 Cupid and Psyche - The King and Handmaidens
    • ID: 22052
    • 1913P162 Cupid and Psyche - Zephyrus bearing Psyche to Cupid's Valley
    • ID: 22053
    • 1913P163 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche entering the Garden of Cupid's Palace
    • ID: 22054
    • 1913P164 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche in Cupid's Garden
    • ID: 22055
    • 1913P165 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche walking through Cupid's Palace
    • ID: 22056
    • 1913P166 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche at Table Spread with Food
    • ID: 22058
    • 1913P168 Cupid and Psyche - The Choir of unseen Folk singing to Psyche
    • ID: 22059
    • 1913P169 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche entering the Bath in the Palace
    • ID: 22060
    • 1913P170 Cupid and Psyche - Psyche entering the Bedroom
    • ID: 22070
    • 1978P548.1 Summer Snow
    • ID: 34757
    • 1978P205 The Masters of Wood Engraving
    • ID: 34758
    • 1978P205 The Masters of Wood Engraving
    • ID: 22071
    • 1978P548.2 King Sigurd the Crusader - A Norse Saga
    • ID: 4400
    • 1978P620.11 Irené
    • ID: 4401
    • 1978P620.9 O the Lark is Singing in the Sky
    • ID: 4405
    • 1978P625.2 The Anglers of the Dove - Farmer Chell's Kitchen
    • ID: 4408
    • 1978P626.6 The Iceberg - The Seamstress
    • ID: 7128
    • 2006.1040.89 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The People presenting gifts to Moses
    • ID: 7129
    • 2006.1040.94 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Eliezer and Rebekah