    • ID: 9398
    • 1953P336 Coach leaving Canterbury Gate, Oxford
    • ID: 10744
    • 1956P13 Ulverston Sands
    • ID: 7514
    • 1931P35 A Gipsy Encampment (unmounted)
    • ID: 7515
    • 1931P35 A Gipsy Encampment
    • ID: 1
    • 1956P7 The Travelling Companions
    • ID: 6621
    • 1953P409 Snowstorm, Mont Cenis
    • ID: 10454
    • 1972P56 Ramsgate
    • ID: 12313
    • 1996V145.12 Birmingham Station, Curzon Street
    • ID: 18010
    • 2002D00961 2 Baxter Prints of 'Reception of Rev William' by Mr Harris 1841
    • ID: 20703
    • 1906P667 Departure for the Country
    • ID: 7368
    • 1915P31 Gypsies with an Ass Race
    • ID: 11504
    • 1915P31 Gypsies with an Ass Race
    • ID: 11663
    • 1951P128 Portrait of Peter du Cane (1741-1823)
    • ID: 10
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 17608
    • 1943P261 Killiecrankie Pass (?)
    • ID: 34827
    • 1906P795 The Last of England - Cartoon
    • ID: 11553
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 11554
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 8294
    • 1935P483 Gypsies In A Landscape
    • ID: 20699
    • 1906P660 The Gipsy