    • ID: 4378
    • 1962P4 Study of a Female Trapeze Artist
    • ID: 14044
    • 1973F72 Theatre Bill - Birmingham Theatre, 1799
    • ID: 6756
    • 1962P10 Beauvais - The Inconstant, The Silenus, The Charlatan
    • ID: 7429
    • 1887P943 An Audience in Athens During Agamemnon by Aeschylus
    • ID: 11517
    • 1943P9 Illustration to Romeo and Juliet Act III, Sc III
    • ID: 12349
    • 1997V1.4 Theatre Royal, New Street, Birmingham
    • ID: 14036
    • 1965V221.32 Theatre Royal Birmingham
    • ID: 8906
    • 1979P165 Scene From Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale
    • ID: 11736
    • 1970P129 Utamaro and Others
    • ID: 14042
    • 1973F67 Theatre Bill - Birmingham Theatre, 1799
    • ID: 14043
    • 1973F70 Theatre Bill - Birmingham Theatre, 1799
    • ID: 14045
    • 1973F73 Theatre Bill - Birmingham Theatre, 1799
    • ID: 6551
    • 1887P953 Two Gentlemen of Verona_framed
    • ID: 6552
    • 1887P953 Two Gentlemen of Verona
    • ID: 8512
    • 1958P11 A Scene From Shakespeare's The Tempest
    • ID: 9498
    • 1984P15 Scene From Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice
    • ID: 11536
    • 1985P47 Scene from John Gay's The Beggar's Opera
    • ID: 11766
    • 1958P11 A Scene From Shakespeare's The Tempest
    • ID: 13201
    • 1904P346 The Death of Lady Macbeth - Compositional Study
    • ID: 13261
    • 1939P378 Portrait of Marie-Adeline Plunkett
    • ID: 14327
    • 1965V221.41 Theatre Royal, New Street, Birmingham
    • ID: 17339
    • 1893P22 Duncans Horses
    • ID: 17732
    • 1970P129.63-66 Four Theatrical prints
    • ID: 17944
    • 1995P7 Study for Portrait of Barry Jackson
    • ID: 19748
    • 1906P646 The Death of Romeo and Juliet - Compositional Study
    • ID: 20620
    • 1933P352 Study for a Statuette
    • ID: 20621
    • 1933P353 Study for a Statuette
    • ID: 32401
    • 1978P95.1/.2/.3 Standing Actor I/ Standing Actor Holding Fan/ Standing Actor II
    • ID: 32404
    • 1978P99.1 / 1978P99.2 /1978P99.3 Triptych - Murder Scene
    • ID: 35282
    • 2005.1464.4 Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham programme
    • ID: 7164
    • 1962P30 A Female Figure Raising a Bow in her left Hand
    • ID: 10433
    • 1923P123 The Jester
    • ID: 11640
    • 1933P225 Nanki-Poo
    • ID: 13153
    • 1990P33 Falstaff 'I will esconce me behind the Arras'
    • ID: 17587
    • 1950P8 Scene In A Theatre
    • ID: 17864
    • 1990P33 Falstaff: 'I will esconce me behind the Arras'
    • ID: 17940
    • 1995P230 As You Like It, Act I Scene II
    • ID: 8263
    • 1932P293 Portrait of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson
    • ID: 8405
    • 1947P10 Music Hall Audience
    • ID: 8441
    • 1949P34 Noctes Ambrosianae, Gallery Of The Old Mogul
    • ID: 10449
    • 1970P129 Album of Theatrical Prints
    • ID: 11605
    • 1991P23 La Troupe de Mlle Eglantine
    • ID: 11733
    • 1970P129 Utamaro and Others
    • ID: 11734
    • 1970P129.43 From Album of Theatrical Prints
    • ID: 11735
    • 1970P129.47 and .48 From Album of Theatrical Prints
    • ID: 11737
    • 1970P129.54, .55 and .56 From Album of Theatrical Prints
    • ID: 11738
    • 1970P129.59 and .60 From Album of Theatrical Prints
    • ID: 11739
    • 1970P129.78 and .79 From Album of Theatrical Prints
    • ID: 13725
    • 1973F69 Theatre Bill, 1799
    • ID: 15962
    • 1926P493 Ichikawa Hakuen as Gengobei with Nakamura Matsue as Sakumo
    • ID: 20986
    • 1904P380 The Duenna - Compositional Sketch
    • ID: 17731
    • 1969P2 Portrait of Hermann Vezin
    • ID: 35264
    • 2004.0699.21 Stage Lighting Diagrams - 'Blitz and Pieces'
    • ID: 35265
    • 2004.0699.21 Stage Lighting Diagrams - 'Blitz and Pieces'
    • ID: 35266
    • 2004.0699.21 Stage Lighting Diagrams - 'Blitz and Pieces'
    • ID: 35267
    • 2004.0699.21 Stage Lighting Diagrams - 'Blitz and Pieces'