    • ID: 4184
    • 1905P23 Old Battersea Bridge
    • ID: 11696
    • 1985P60 The Thames At Richmond
    • ID: 4178
    • 1904P562 Thames Warehouses
    • ID: 4179
    • 1904P564 Tyzac Whitley and Co or Eagle Wharf
    • ID: 4180
    • 1904P565 Black Lion Wharf
    • ID: 4181
    • 1904P566 The Thames Police or Wapping Wharf
    • ID: 5944
    • 1955P76 Savoy Pigeons
    • ID: 9714
    • 1905P22 Nocturne, The River At Battersea
    • ID: 11518
    • 1945P79 Whistlers' House at Old Chelsea
    • ID: 11285
    • 1890P82 St Paul's from the River Thames
    • ID: 17332
    • 1891P76 Windsor And Its Castle From Across The Thames
    • ID: 17584
    • 1927P670 London from the Thames above Westminster
    • ID: 17677
    • 1953P379 On The Isis
    • ID: 17806
    • 1985P60 The Thames At Richmond
    • ID: 32855
    • 1994P28 The Thames and London from Richmond House