    • ID: 4588
    • 1929P583 Nakamura Matsue in Miyajima
    • ID: 4586
    • 1929P570 Nakamura Baika (Matsue 111) in the role of Ono No Komachi
    • ID: 6947
    • 1935P529 Female - Thirteen Drapery Studies
    • ID: 9534
    • 1987P72 Portrait of Philip Yorke , 1st Earl of Hardwicke
    • ID: 4587
    • 1929P577 Shikan 11 (Utaemon IV) in the role of Ariwara No Narihira
    • ID: 8267
    • 1933P26 Portrait of Nicholas Gaze and His Son and St Nicholas
    • ID: 9531
    • 1987P69 Portrait of Sir William Pulteney , Earl of Bath
    • ID: 9533
    • 1987P71 Portrait of Sir Richard Temple, 4th Viscount of Birmingham
    • ID: 13382
    • 1905P16 The Spirit of Justice - Drapery Study for a female Figure
    • ID: 14982
    • 1906P686 Oure Ladye of Saturday Night
    • ID: 14994
    • 1906P696 The Ascension - Study for an Apostle
    • ID: 14996
    • 1906P697 The Ascension - Study for an Apostle
    • ID: 14997
    • 1906P697 The Spirit of Justice-Body of a seated Figure in ecclesiastical Robes holding a Staff and Book
    • ID: 15000
    • 1906P699 Wycliffe Reading his Translation of the Bible - Drapery Study for Wycliffe
    • ID: 15316
    • 1953P5.13 The Flower Book - Comes he not?
    • ID: 15321
    • 1953P5.18 The Flower Book - Golden Shower
    • ID: 15329
    • 1953P5.25 The Flower Book - Helen's Tears
    • ID: 15341
    • 1953P5.36 The Flower Book - False Mercury
    • ID: 4258
    • 1921P124 Boccaccio's Decameron - Garden Scene from the Introduction
    • ID: 4599
    • 1921P124 Boccaccio's Decameron - Garden Scene from the Introduction