    • ID: 13367
    • 1904P264 Female - Sketch of Woman's Head in Bonnet
    • ID: 10162
    • 1949P16 Simplon - Mrs Barnard and her Daughter Dorothy
    • ID: 13352
    • 1904P248 Portrait Sketch of Eliza Harriet Polidori
    • ID: 13362
    • 1904P259 Portrait of Elizabeth Siddal reading
    • ID: 4591
    • 1983F379 Jacob Wilson (1799-1882), Birmingham Town Crier
    • ID: 8301
    • 1937P365 Portrait of Jacob Wilson (1799-1882)
    • ID: 8357
    • 1941P459 Portrait of the Artist (Self Portrait)
    • ID: 8745
    • 1947P64 Garden Flowers (Making a Posy)
    • ID: 8817
    • 1972P2 Portrait Of Olga Myers (Mrs)
    • ID: 9397
    • 1953P320 Bath Beau and Country Beau
    • ID: 9399
    • 1953P356 Study of an Ostler
    • ID: 9414
    • 1979P21 Study of a Standing Man, probably French
    • ID: 9964
    • 1929P476 The Brown Veil (Portrait Of Mrs Harrington Mann)
    • ID: 10197
    • 1951P105 The Hat Shop
    • ID: 11652
    • 1957P27 Portrait of Mrs Mary Martin
    • ID: 11654
    • 1945P60 Portrait of the Baroness de Meyer
    • ID: 11674
    • 1953P354 The Wonderful Charms of a Red Coat and Cockade
    • ID: 11685
    • 1961P49 Portrait of Miss Katherine Elizabeth Lewis (d.1961)
    • ID: 12151
    • 2013.0030 Head of a Man with a Turban
    • ID: 12418
    • 1985P45 Self Portrait
    • ID: 13369
    • 1904P266 Female - Head and Shoulders of a Woman in a Bonnet
    • ID: 17624
    • 1945P60 Portrait of the Baroness de Meyer
    • ID: 18429
    • 1987F331 Portrait of Matthew Robinson Boulton
    • ID: 23935
    • 1931M968.658 The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons, 1826
    • ID: 10
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 11553
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 11554
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 4284
    • 1928P170 Heads of Children, Boy and Girl, Three Studies
    • ID: 4308
    • 1947P61 Study of Two Women
    • ID: 8306
    • 1936P315 Portrait of Oliver Pemberton (1825-1897)
    • ID: 8346
    • 1941P122 Portrait of the Artist (Self Portrait)
    • ID: 9417
    • 1981P3 Portrait of Count Creptovitch
    • ID: 9468
    • 1981P41 Portrait Of A Lady Of The Osler Family
    • ID: 9555
    • 1990P38 Harold Wilson
    • ID: 9664
    • 1985P72 Studies of Medieval Female Costume and Jewellery
    • ID: 10460
    • 1981P36 The Reading Lesson
    • ID: 11531
    • 1981P13 Portrait of Grace Bradbourne, Wife of Thomas Holte
    • ID: 11556
    • 1961P30 Portrait of a Woman
    • ID: 11642
    • 1937P365 Last Birmingham Town Crier
    • ID: 11651
    • 1954P10 The Roffey Family
    • ID: 13273
    • 1953P258 Farmer In A Barn
    • ID: 13355
    • 1904P251 Portrait of Frances Rossetti, the Artist's Mother
    • ID: 14966
    • 1906P671 Chaucer at the Court of Edward III - Nude Studies of four Figures
    • ID: 15001
    • 1906P700 Wycliffe Reading his Translation of the Bible - Study of Wycliffe
    • ID: 15007
    • 1975P329 Work - Portrait of Thomas Carlyle
    • ID: 15261
    • 1986P113 An Old Cornish Woman
    • ID: 15263
    • 2000P9 In Time of War
    • ID: 16340
    • 1986P8 Portrait Of A Woman
    • ID: 17598
    • 1932P272 The Messenger
    • ID: 17787
    • 1982P53 At the Milliners
    • ID: 17792
    • 1984P25 Men In Italian Peasant Costume
    • ID: 17793
    • 1984P26 Figure Study: Man in Italian Peasant Costume, holding a child
    • ID: 17804
    • 1985P45 Self Portrait
    • ID: 17850
    • 1989P23 Self Portrait: Drinking
    • ID: 17862
    • 1990P3 Portrait Of Moses Haughton The Younger
    • ID: 18065
    • 2004.0187 Portrait of Anna Elizabeth Southall, nee Baker
    • ID: 18406
    • 2010.0154.7 Portrait of Joscelyne Verney Gaskin
    • ID: 19720
    • 1999V1 Photograph - Sarah Allen, Aston
    • ID: 21291
    • 1904P435 Portrait Sketch of Ford Madox Brown
    • ID: 21374
    • 1904P470 Portrait of Charlotte Polidori