    • ID: 15907
    • 1928F39 Framed Figure of Jemmy the Rock Man - James Guidney
    • ID: 25069
    • 1918A17.24 Female Ancestor Figure - Matakau
    • ID: 25070
    • 1918A17.24 Female Ancestor Figure - Matakau
    • ID: 25071
    • 1918A17.24 Female Ancestor Figure - Matakau
    • ID: 4080
    • 1914P229 Birds (also known as Canaries)
    • ID: 4275
    • 1924P72 Eight Figure Studies on One Sheet or Hands and a Head
    • ID: 4277
    • 1924P74 Two Figure Studies of a Man
    • ID: 4312
    • 1947P9.3 Men and Women Carrying Baskets
    • ID: 4793
    • 2001P10.11 On Death, Part II - Zeit und Ruhm (Time and Space)
    • ID: 4794
    • 2001P10.12 On Death, Part II - An Schonheit (To the Beautiful in Nature)
    • ID: 4799
    • 2001P10.8 On Death, Part II - Und Doch (And Then)
    • ID: 6614
    • 1919P2 The Circle of the Lustful
    • ID: 6757
    • 1962P17 Erminia and the Shepherd
    • ID: 7275
    • 1892P41.7 Two Figures In A Boat
    • ID: 7313
    • 1901P31.6 Girl at a Gate
    • ID: 7381
    • 1918P8 Study of Nude and Draped Figures
    • ID: 7536
    • 1885P2547 Pandora Crowned by the Seasons
    • ID: 7538
    • 1885P2584 The Angry Father or The Discovery of the Clandestine Correspondence
    • ID: 13271
    • 1904P193 Green Summer - Study of Back of Seated Girl
    • ID: 15659
    • 1931P967 The Eternal Door (Cairate, Lombardy)
    • ID: 19306
    • 1928F39 Figure of Jemmy the Rock Man
    • ID: 20611
    • 1906P619 Study for 'A Baron Numbering his Vassals'
    • ID: 20612
    • 1906P634 Sketches for an Unrealised/Unidentified Subject
    • ID: 20623
    • 1906P635 Mariana - Figure Sketch and Sketch of a Woman folding Cloth
    • ID: 20625
    • 1906P561 The Escape of a Heretic - Sketch of the Girl and her Lover
    • ID: 20626
    • 1906P561 The Escape of a Heretic - Sketch of the Girl and her Lover
    • ID: 20627
    • 1906P562 The Escape of a Heretic - Sketch of the Girl and her Lover
    • ID: 20628
    • 1906P562 The Escape of a Heretic - Sketch of the Girl and her Lover
    • ID: 20629
    • 1906P563 The Escape of a Heretic - Two Sketches of the bound Monk twisting to face the Front
    • ID: 20630
    • 1906P563 The Escape of a Heretic - Two Sketches of the bound Monk twisting to face the Front
    • ID: 20631
    • 1906P564 The Escape of a Heretic - Two Sketches of the bound Monk with Arms tied behind Back
    • ID: 20632
    • 1906P564 The Escape of a Heretic - Two Sketches of the bound Monk with Arms tied behind Back
    • ID: 20662
    • 1906 P584 The Proscribed Royalist 1651
    • ID: 20663
    • 1906P584 The Proscribed Royalist 1651
    • ID: 20664
    • 1906P584 The Proscribed Royalist 1651
    • ID: 20665
    • 1906P585 The Proscribed Royalist 1651
    • ID: 20666
    • 1906P585 The Proscribed Royalist 1651
    • ID: 20669
    • 1906P588 Tennyson's The Miller's Daughter
    • ID: 20675
    • 1906P593 Tennyson's Locksley Hall - Two sketches of Mother and Daughter embracing
    • ID: 20679
    • 1906P597 Female - Sketch of a Seated Woman Holding Lamp
    • ID: 20680
    • 1906P601 Sketch of an Evening Party
    • ID: 20681
    • 1906P601 Caricature of a scene from Scottish history
    • ID: 20689
    • 1906P626 The Prisoner's Wife - Sketch of the Wife confronting Judge
    • ID: 20700
    • 1906P663 Studies of a Grasshopper - Body, Head and Leg
    • ID: 20728
    • 1906P607 Female - Four Figure Sketches
    • ID: 20740
    • 1906P624 Compositional Sketch for The Order of Release 1745
    • ID: 20749
    • 1906P632 Sketch of Three Men gardening
    • ID: 20751
    • 1906P634 Sketches for an Unrealised / Unidentified Subject
    • ID: 20760
    • 1906P642 The Return of the Crusader - Sketch of Wife in Bed
    • ID: 20767
    • 1906P648 Framley Parsonage - 'Mark', she said 'The men are here'
    • ID: 20768
    • 1906P649 Study of a young Woman consoled by a another Woman and a Man
    • ID: 20769
    • 1906P649 Study of a young Woman Standing
    • ID: 20833
    • 1904P280 The Meeting of Dante and Beatrice in Purgatory - Figure Sketch
    • ID: 20834
    • 1904P281 The Meeting of Dante and Beatrice in Paradise - Sketch of Dante
    • ID: 20838
    • 1904P284 Tristram and Yseult drinking the Love Potion
    • ID: 20844
    • 1948P50 Study of two Gondolas and Figures
    • ID: 20971
    • 1904P369 Figure Studies - Five Studies on one Sheet
    • ID: 20975
    • 1904P371 Design for an unknown Subject
    • ID: 20984
    • 1904P378 The Wedding of St George and Princess Sabra - Study for two Figures
    • ID: 21252
    • 1904P393 Seated Man holding a Child on his Knee