    • ID: 7487
    • 1907P334 Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire
    • ID: 7500
    • 1925P291 Haddon Hall, the Terrace
    • ID: 10710
    • 1907P334 Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire
    • ID: 10741
    • 1953P138 The Terrace, Haddon Hall
    • ID: 36202
    • 1925P320 Bed Room, Haddon Hall
    • ID: 7501
    • 1925P316 The Great Hall, Haddon Hall
    • ID: 7504
    • 1927P671 Interior of the Long Gallery, Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
    • ID: 9637
    • 1904P497 Thorpe, Derbyshire
    • ID: 10716
    • 1919P103 Haddon Hall, the River Steps
    • ID: 10724
    • 1925P316 The Great Hall, Haddon Hall
    • ID: 10732
    • 1927P671 Interior of the Long Gallery, Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
    • ID: 36184
    • 1925P283 Rowsley Mill, Derbyshire
    • ID: 36212
    • 1925P72 Haddon Hall