    • ID: 5276
    • 1906P602 Sketches of Effie Ruskin and Sir James Simpson
    • ID: 5277
    • 1906P602 Parodies of Old Masters
    • ID: 6038
    • 1980P39 Caricature - Goblin Wrestler
    • ID: 9397
    • 1953P320 Bath Beau and Country Beau
    • ID: 11174
    • 1927P554 Caricature of William Morris as an Ancient Poet
    • ID: 11180
    • 1980P37 Caricature - Composite Drawing
    • ID: 11674
    • 1953P354 The Wonderful Charms of a Red Coat and Cockade
    • ID: 13376
    • 1904P273 Verso: caricature in pencil of William Morris
    • ID: 13715
    • 1965V221.52 Photograph of Satirical Drawing - 1867 Election
    • ID: 14185
    • 1998V50 Satirical Cartoon From 'The Owl' - featuring Joseph Chamberlain
    • ID: 18046
    • 1980P128 Caricature - Unpainted Masterpieces, Self-Portrait
    • ID: 20702
    • 1906P666 Nothing Like Going Out of Town if You Want to Sleep
    • ID: 20783
    • 1980P38 Caricature - Composite Drawing
    • ID: 22083
    • 1980P39 Caricature - Goblin Wrestler
    • ID: 22084
    • 1980P40 Caricature - Goblin Wrestler from behind
    • ID: 35651
    • 1930P1105 Front view: Portrait of George Dawson (c.1821-1876)
    • ID: 35652
    • 1930P1105 Reverse view: A caricature of the George Dawson statue erected in Birmingham in 1881
    • ID: 35782
    • 1927P474 The Feast of Peleus - Slight composition Sketch, humourous Sketches and Self-Portrait Caricature
    • ID: 35834
    • 1927P554 Caricature of William Morris as an Ancient Poet
    • ID: 35835
    • 1927P555 Self-Portrait of Edward Burne-Jones
    • ID: 35837
    • 1927P557 The Sirens
    • ID: 4594
    • 1996F84 Newspaper Cutting - Chartist Riots
    • ID: 7642
    • 1947M189 Martinware Jug
    • ID: 7643
    • 1947M189 Martinware Jug
    • ID: 7644
    • 1947M189 Martinware Jug
    • ID: 9417
    • 1981P3 Portrait of Count Creptovitch
    • ID: 11296
    • 1931P249 A Diplomatic Answer
    • ID: 11671
    • 1953P321 Alehouse Politicians
    • ID: 16330
    • 1931P245 Where The Shoe Pinches
    • ID: 16411
    • 1906P601 Sketch of an Evening Party
    • ID: 17658
    • 1953P260 Jack Ashore - Sailors Carousing
    • ID: 17815
    • 1987P18 An Election Entertainment,Plate 1
    • ID: 17816
    • 1987P19 Canvassing For Votes
    • ID: 17817
    • 1987P20 Four Prints Of An Election - The Polling
    • ID: 17818
    • 1987P21 Chairing The Members
    • ID: 19673
    • 1904P436 Of Course! Caricature of William Holman Hunt
    • ID: 19675
    • 1904P437 Slosh! Caricature of John Everett Millais
    • ID: 20701
    • 1906P665 Sleep at any Price
    • ID: 20703
    • 1906P667 Departure for the Country
    • ID: 20745
    • 1906P628 Sketch of kissing Couple
    • ID: 20770
    • 1906P651 Isabella - Head of Isabella and her brother with Caricature
    • ID: 20795
    • 1981M435 Wally Birds
    • ID: 20796
    • 1981M435 Wally Birds
    • ID: 20797
    • 1981M435 Wally Birds
    • ID: 20798
    • 1981M435 Wally Birds
    • ID: 20799
    • 1981M435 Wally Birds
    • ID: 20800
    • 1981M435 Wally Birds
    • ID: 22081
    • 1980P37 Caricature - Composite Drawing of a Stunner / A Victorian Woman in her Underwear
    • ID: 33179
    • 1979P166.12 Caricature - Prof Granville Bantock
    • ID: 33196
    • 1979P166.13 Preliminary sketch for Prof Granville Bantock
    • ID: 33226
    • 1979P166.16 Caricature of A J Sheldon, Music Critic Birmingham Daily Post
    • ID: 33232
    • 1979P166.19 Caricature of Keeley (or Keely)
    • ID: 33234
    • 1979P166.20 Caricature of Dr Featherstone
    • ID: 33235
    • 1979P166.21 Caricature of Arthur E McKewan
    • ID: 33236
    • 1979P166.22 Caricature of Nichols, Architect
    • ID: 33237
    • 1979P166.24 Caricature of Levi, Chairman of Jewellers Association 1920
    • ID: 33238
    • 1979P166.25 Caricature of Councillor Oliver Morland
    • ID: 33239
    • 1979P166.26 Caricature of Mrs Archibald Bennett
    • ID: 33240
    • 1979P166.27 Caricature of S C
    • ID: 33241
    • 1979P166.28 Caricature of Ald James