    • ID: 11558
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11559
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11560
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11561
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11562
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11563
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11564
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11565
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 11566
    • 1972P54 Infant St John The Baptist
    • ID: 3940
    • 1950P22 The Delivery of Israel Out of Egypt
    • ID: 6029
    • 1920P713-1-68 Dalziels' Bible Gallery-Ezekiel and the Boiling Pot
    • ID: 6842
    • 1974P24 The Vision of St Anthony of Padua
    • ID: 6843
    • 1974P24 The Vision of St Anthony of Padua (framed)
    • ID: 6891
    • 1931P64 The Annunciation
    • ID: 6899
    • 1897P8 The Woman of Samaria
    • ID: 6953
    • 1925P103 Parable of the Tares
    • ID: 7117
    • 2006.1040.49 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Passage of the Jordan
    • ID: 7118
    • 2006.1040.54 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Samson and the Lion
    • ID: 7119
    • 2006.1040.55 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Samson carrying the Gates
    • ID: 7120
    • 2006.1040.56 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Samson at the Mill
    • ID: 7121
    • 2006.1040.57 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Naomi and the Child Obed
    • ID: 7122
    • 2006.1040.58 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Cushi brings to David news of the death of Absalom
    • ID: 7123
    • 2006.1040.61 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Arrow of Deliverance
    • ID: 7124
    • 2006.1040.62 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Flight of Adrammelech
    • ID: 7125
    • 2006.1040.66 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - By the Rivers of Babylon
    • ID: 7126
    • 2006.1040.69 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Daniel's Prayer
    • ID: 7127
    • 2006.1040.86 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Rahab and the Spies
    • ID: 7304
    • 1899P62 Parable Of The Wise And Foolish Virgins
    • ID: 7566
    • 1895P5 Madonna and Child
    • ID: 8224
    • 1930P440.2 The Angel Appearing to Shepherds (in background)
    • ID: 8225
    • 1930P440.1 The Angel Appearing To The Shepherds
    • ID: 8761
    • 1964P18 Saint John The Divine
    • ID: 13378
    • 1904P275 Mary Magdalene at the Door of Simon the Pharisee - Figure Study
    • ID: 13390
    • 1906P670 Study for the Head of Wycliffe
    • ID: 15127
    • 1958M15 The Conversion of St Paul
    • ID: 15128
    • 1958M17 Elymas the Sorcerer Struck with Blindness
    • ID: 15129
    • 1958M18 Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
    • ID: 15130
    • 1958M19 Annanias and Sapphira or Death of Annanias
    • ID: 15131
    • 1958M20 Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate
    • ID: 15132
    • 1958M21 Feed my Sheep, Christ's Charge to Peter
    • ID: 15133
    • 1958M22 St Paul at Athens
    • ID: 15919
    • 1975P358 Raising of Lazarus
    • ID: 19224
    • 1978P554.2 Lighting the Lamps, Eve of the Sabbath - Published
    • ID: 20829
    • 1904P276 Mary Magdalene at the Door of Simon the Pharisee - Compositional Study
    • ID: 20909
    • 1904P311 The Seed of David - Study for the Virgin and Child
    • ID: 34794
    • 1906P703 Wycliffe Reading his Translation of the Bible - Study of Monk Representing the Catholic Faith
    • ID: 34832
    • 1912P47 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Joseph's Coat
    • ID: 34833
    • Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Elijah and the Widow's Son
    • ID: 35410
    • 1906P827 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Jacob Hears the Voice of the Lord - Study for the kneeling figure of Jacob
    • ID: 11746
    • 1925P81 The Feast of Herod
    • ID: 19217
    • 1925P452 Babylon Hath Been a Golden Cup
    • ID: 259
    • 540 Strip-mount in gold with Latin inscriptions [K550]
    • ID: 3117
    • 1896P80 The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
    • ID: 6833
    • 1955P101 The Adoration of the Shepherds
    • ID: 7128
    • 2006.1040.89 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The People presenting gifts to Moses
    • ID: 7129
    • 2006.1040.94 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Eliezer and Rebekah
    • ID: 7130
    • 2006.1040.95 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - The Spies Bringing Grapes
    • ID: 7131
    • 2006.1040.96 Dalziels' Bible Gallery - Cain and Abel
    • ID: 7954
    • 1954P41 Dives and Lazarus
    • ID: 8271
    • 1933P336 The Conversion of Saint Paul