Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and Crafts Movement

Gas Hall, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, from 10 February 2024

Victorian Radicals reveals how three generations of artists and designers reimagined what art could mean in a rapidly changing world.

This exhibition is organised by Birmingham Museums Trust and the American Federation of Arts

Supported by the Friends of Birmingham Museums

    • ID: 6859
    • 1885P2465 La Donna Della Finestra [The Lady of Pity]
    • ID: 11553
    • 1891P24 The Last of England
    • ID: 3114
    • 1892P3 The Blind Girl
    • ID: 3468
    • 1915P97 Walton-on-the-Naze
    • ID: 64
    • 1927P7 Proserpine
    • ID: 3119
    • 1902P13 The Long Engagement
    • ID: 4168
    • 1982M34 The Victor
    • ID: 3520
    • 1947P76 The Skylark
    • ID: 32745
    • 1988M55 Girl's Dress
    • ID: 32744
    • 1992M334 Girl's Dress
    • ID: 33557
    • 2001M16.1 and.2 Sleepe After Toile
    • ID: 33556
    • 1928P156 The Keepsake
    • ID: 32731
    • 1966N523 Art Union Prize Medal - Hogarth
    • ID: 32730
    • 1966N523 Art Union Prize Medal - Hogarth
    • ID: 7644
    • 1947M189 Martinware Jug
    • ID: 7643
    • 1947M189 Martinware Jug
    • ID: 7642
    • 1947M189 Martinware Jug
    • ID: 7672
    • 1972M36 Elton Pottery Jug
    • ID: 7673
    • 1972M36 Elton Pottery Jug
    • ID: 3491
    • 1928P156 The Keepsake
    • ID: 4173
    • 2001M16.1 Sleepe After Toile
    • ID: 4174
    • 2001M16.2 Sleepe after Toile
    • ID: 4170
    • 1983M41 Portrait of Offlow Scattergood
    • ID: 4159
    • 1981M535 Necklace with pendant
    • ID: 3473
    • 1920P12 Lovers by a Rosebush
    • ID: 3429
    • 1904P414 Portrait of Woman with a Fan
    • ID: 33461
    • 1970P47.1 The Parables of Our Lord - The Sower
    • ID: 33462
    • 1970P47.10 The Parables of Our Lord - The Foolish Virgins
    • ID: 33463
    • 1970P47.11 The Parables of Our Lord - The Good Samaritan
    • ID: 33464
    • 1970P47.12 The Parables of Our Lord - The Importunate Friend
    • ID: 33465
    • 1970P47.13 The Parables of Our Lord - The Marriage of the King's Son
    • ID: 33466
    • 1970P47.14 The Parables of Our Lord - The Lost Sheep
    • ID: 33467
    • 1970P47.15 The Parables of Our Lord - The Lost Piece of Silver
    • ID: 33468
    • 1970P47.16 The Parables of Our Lord - The Prodigal Son
    • ID: 33470
    • 1970P47.18 The Parables of Our Lord - The Unjust Judge
    • ID: 33469
    • 1970P47.17 The Parables of Our Lord - The Rich Man and Lazarus
    • ID: 33471
    • 1970P47.19 The Parables of Our Lord - The Pharisee and the Publican
    • ID: 33472
    • 1970P47.2 The Parables of Our Lord - The Leaven
    • ID: 33473
    • 1970P47.20 The Parables of Our Lord - The Good Shepherd
    • ID: 33474
    • 1970P47.3 The Parables of Our Lord - The Tares
    • ID: 33475
    • 1970P47.4 The Parables of Our Lord - The Hidden Treasure
    • ID: 33476
    • 1970P47.5 The Parables of Our Lord - The Pearl of Great Price
    • ID: 33477
    • 1970P47.6 The Parables of Our Lord - The Unmerciful Servant
    • ID: 33478
    • 1970P47.7 The Parables of Our Lord - The Labourers in the Vineyard
    • ID: 33479
    • 1970P47.8 The Parables of Our Lord - The Wicked Husbandmen
    • ID: 33480
    • 1970P47.9 The Parables of Our Lord - The Wise and Foolish Virgins
    • ID: 3428
    • 1904P360 Jephtha's Daughter
    • ID: 3433
    • 1904P488 Found - Study for the Head of the Girl
    • ID: 3175
    • 1904P236 Design for Moxon's Tennyson
    • ID: 3955
    • 1978P203.10 The Moxon Tennyson
    • ID: 3956
    • 1978P203.13 The Moxon Tennyson
    • ID: 3960
    • 1978P203.44 The Moxon Tennyson
    • ID: 3961
    • 1978P203.49 The Moxon Tennyson
    • ID: 3963
    • 1978P203.9 The Moxon Tennyson
    • ID: 7629
    • 1885M1237 Vase
    • ID: 7638
    • 1939M305 Jar and Cover
    • ID: 7639
    • 1939M312 Goblet
    • ID: 7676
    • 1975 M16 (2)1975M16 Minton Floor Tile
    • ID: 7675
    • 1975 M161975M16 Minton Floor Tile
    • ID: 9580
    • 1981M524 Monstrance